Special Theme Issue of Studies in Art Education (Mar 30, 2018)
There is a current call for articles, commentaries, and media reviews for a special theme issue of Studies in Art Education about social...
Special Theme Issue of Studies in Art Education (Mar 30, 2018)
National Awards at NAEA Convention (Mar 23, 2018)
AERI Steering Committee Meeting (Mar 19, 2018)
3rd AERI Symposium Dates (Dec 28, 2017)
Call for Position Papers (Dec 7, 2017)
First AERI Graduate Research Award (Oct 19, 2017)
Symposium Schedule Released (Aug 21, 2017)
AERI 2017 Symposium Schedule Update (July 26, 2017)
AERI 2017 CFP Deadline (Apr 17, 2017)
Masters Degree Student Proposals (Mar 15, 2017)
USSEA Ziegfeld Award (National) (Mar 9, 2017)
2017 CFP and Registration (Feb 15, 2017)
AERI 2017 CFP Coming Soon (Jan 28, 2017)
NAEA Higher Art Educator of the Year (Dec 7, 2016)
Our First Encyclopedia (Oct 24, 2016)
Our First AERI Bulletin Post (Oct 19, 2016)
Welcome! (Oct 3, 2016)