Research & Scholarship in
Visual Arts Education
AERI Symposium Information
September 19-21, 2019
Teachers College, Columbia University
525 W 120th St, New York, NY

What is a Symposium?
A symposium is a formal gathering in an academic environment where experts in a field meet to (a) offer scholarly, research-informed perspectives on a chosen theme or issue, (b) discuss these perspectives, and (c) make recommendations for future action. Typically, a symposium addresses a single topic. All contributions are framed in relation to that topic, with the intention of developing a deeper understanding of the topic. Perspectives offered and discussed are expected to be intellectually-sound and informed by scholarly and/or research-based evidence. While the terms “symposium” and “conference” are often used interchangeably, they denote gatherings of a different kind. The Art Education Research Institute (AERI) supports critical, systematic, empirical, and theoretical research and scholarship that addresses key intellectual and practical issues in the field of art education. Further, it seeks to promote a broad range of rigorous research practices and methodologies drawn from the arts, humanities, and social sciences to improve inquiry related to teaching and learning in and through the visual arts. Therefore, the annual AERI symposium focuses on the topic of research theory and practice within the field of art education with the intention of engaging symposium attendees in scholarly and continuing conversations to advance research practices and thought.

Video-Conferencing Presentations Policy
AERI is a symposium, which emphasizes a small group of researchers meeting together in person to critically discuss their research. The symposium is as much about the dialogue, which is part of every session and spills out into the breaks and group meals. Therefore, use of video conferencing to present from afar misses the purpose of a symposium and is not an option at AERI, especially for the six-minute Pecha Kucha doctoral candidate presentations. There are two exceptions, which apply only to featured panels. The panels are proposed by the research steering committee based on needs in the field of research in art education. Panels are formed through invitation by the chair of the panel after approval by the AERI planning committee. In some cases, the purposefulness of seeking international perspectives or those with disabilities in which travel is an obstacle, video conferencing is an option.